Monday 12 November 2012

Ein Herbst Schreiben

Ein Herbst  schreiben….

Zurückkehren, alles zurücklassen ist immer schwer, auch wenn es kurz war hat man trotzdem viel erlebt. Der Abschied fällt schwer weil es oft so ist als wenn man sein Zuhause verlässt. Wir alle wissen wie dieses Gefühl ist..
Das Ganze Jahr arbeitet man für den Sommerurlaub der schneller zuende geht als man denkt. Zurückkehren möchte man nicht. Doch der Beginn der Schule und der Arbeit zwingt uns leider dazu. Für Frauen ist es eine doppelte Belastung durch Arbeit und Haushalt. Für Männer ist es einfach nur Stress. Der Traum endet und das wahre Leben fängt wieder an.

Es gibt halt glücklichere die sich solch einen Urlaub 2-3 mal im Jahr leisten können. Aber im durchschnitt liegt die Zahl 1 mal im Jahr. Sobald der Urlaub zu ende ist, bucht man schon den nächsten und hofft das die Zeit bis dahin schnell vergeht
Wo wir so eine Sucht haben auf Urlaub gibt es auch andere die Arbeitssüchtig sind.

Wir haben alle Direktoren, Bosse, Freunde die unser  Urlaub als Faullenzen bezeichnen. Wegen Urlaub machen werden wir als Arbeits schwänzer gesehen. Im Gegenteil ist der Urlaub  Erholung vom Alltag den man mit der Familie oder den Freunden genießt und Energie und Kraft für die Arbeit zurück gibt.
Der Urlaub ist zu ende! Aber seien Sie nicht traurig. Nachdem Urlaub ist ein neu Anfang wo Türen zu neuen Wegen offen stehen. Die Rückkerung kann aber auch traurig sein die der Herbst weg wischt manchen aber auch die Fröhlichkeit zurück gibt. Dies hängt nur von Ihnen ab wie für Sie der Augenblick ist.
Eigentlich ist der Herbst schön, es regnet , die blätter werden gelb und fallen von den Bäumen. Über den Blättern zu laufen unter dem Regen ist sehr Romantisch.

Ihr kennt alle den Film " Sweet November" in dem Kenau Reeves und Charlize Theron mit spielen, das spiegelt die Liebe und die Schönheit des Herbtes wieder.

Sweet November
Egal wo Sie sich auf der Welt befinden wir fühlen alle das gleiche entweder die Traurigkeit oder das Froh sein.

Jetzt ist die Sonne das Meer und der Strand mit den schönen Erlebnissen hinter uns. Aber jetzt warten auf uns neue Schönheiten die uns der Winter bringt, wie Weihnachten,Neujahr und der herabfallende Schnee.

Wir wissen nicht in welchem Land Sie dieses Schreiben lesen aber wir sind uns sicher, dass Sie gerade ein Lächeln bekommen. Da Sie in Ihren Land öfter den Herbst und Winter mit erleben kommen Sie einfach nach Antalya hier werden Sie ein anderen Herbst erleben.

In Antalya ist tagsüber die wärme der Sonne zu genießen und dabei das Meer zubesichtigen. Am Abend eine leichte Jacke anziehen und mit ein Glas Wein den Abend genießen. Das ist der Herbst in Antalya.
Der Humor des Sommers und des Winters zuerleben ist verschieden. Hier in Antalya erleben wir den Winter wieder als einen neuen Sommer. Leider endet jetzt auch hier der Sommer aber der Herbst steht mit neuen Erlebnissen offen.

Wir Liberty Hotels Lara möchten uns bei allen unseren Gästen die auch unsere Freunde sind bedanken und einen schönen Winter wünschen.

Sunday 24 June 2012

We Have To Be Friend With The Nature / RESPONSIBLE TOURISM

One of the ways of protection of the nature is to get rid of poverty. Because poverty pressures on nature and produces the enemy of the nature.

For this reason, it is very important that Responsible tourism should develop. Because The aim of the responsible tourism is to fight with poverty  by giving importance to ecology.

The Project of  Pure life Village    ( ) is a Project of an ecological village tourism founded  to serve this aim.

The features of responsible tourism complex:

 It is generally founded in  a country side.

It presents the food product  produced  in the country side which it  was founded   to its guests.

By this way, it  supports the poor people in the country side financially.

It employs the people in the country side which it was founded,

It protects the natural and cultural values of the area.

It protects the nature and makes the people in the area and the guests remember the importance of nature.

It is respectful to the values of the local people living in its area.

Who joins the activities of responsible tourism?

Everybody who loves nature and wants to  support the poor people by buying food products from them directly and indirectly can join Responsible tourism activities.

The Responsible tourism in Turkey:

 The responsible tourism in Turkey has begun to improve in the last few years. But it should improve much more than now.

We support the activities of Responsible tourism as Liberty Hotels Lara. We directly buy our food product from the poor people living in the countryside (vegetables,fruit…..etc.)

We contribute  the  development of Responsible tourism activities by giving priority the employment of poor people living in the country side and by supporting them financially.

In addition, As management, We contribute  the development of  the Project of Pure life village ecological village Tourism which will be a sample to the region.( )

As consequence, we have to fight with the poverty to protect our nature.

 Wish you that the best friend of you can be nature 

This is really one of best slogans  “ Travel Like a Local”

Liberty Hotels Lara

Monday 9 January 2012

The Rules of Bargaining in Turkey!!

A few simple bargaining or haggling tips will help you get the best price for whatever you buy in Turkey.

Bargaining or haggling is a tradition in Turkey as in many other countries. Shoppers in Europe and America bargain over price when they buy cars, houses and other expensive items. In Turkey, bargaining is extended to include many less valuable items, especially unique handmade goods such as carpets, crafts, artwork and antiques, items which do not have standardized markets.

Many people find bargaining tedious and distasteful. Get over it! Pazarlik (bargaining) is a social as well as a business practice in Turkey, and can be relatively pleasant when done properly.

Here are rules for getting a good price:

1. Know the Market. Browse, examine goods and ask prices in several shops (at least three) to get a sense of the market before bargaining. This is particularly important for carpet shops.

2. Don't show enthusiasm for the item you want. A poker face pays off, believe me. Look at several items. Don't ask prices for awhile, but when you do, ask the prices of several items, whether you're interested in them or not. Act as though the piece you really, really want is only so-so, not a big deal.

3. Decide what you think a piece is worth to you. Many people are distressed to find that someone else bought a similar item for less. Don't worry about it! Sometimes you'll be the one getting the best price. If you decide what an item is worth to you and pay no more than that, how can you go wrong? By definition, you've received value for your money. People who play the "I-got-it-cheaper" game need to get a life.
4. Let the shopkeeper quote the first price. If a shopkeeper asks "What will you pay?" you should ask again "What's the price?" The shopkeeper's price will be higher than what s/he expects you to pay. There's no fixed formula for making your counter-offer. It should be substantially less than you expect or want to pay, a half or even a quarter of the shopkeeper's price (depending on how inflated that is). If your counter-offer is way too low, however, the shopkeeper will know he's dealing with someone who doesn't know the market (see Rule No. 1, above), or doesn't get what bargaining is all about.

5. If you buy several items, get a discount. It's always easier to get a lower price if you buy several items, just like anywhere in the world.

6. Don't haggle over pennies. If you're close to agreement on price, don't let a few Turkish liras get in the way of your satisfaction.

7. Don't be afraid to walk away...(and perhaps come back). It's one of those philosophical conundrums: you get the best price on an item if you can convince yourself that you really don't need it. If you really can't bring yourself to pay the shopkeeper's final price, thank him or her and walk out of the shop. Seeing a potential sale walking away, the shopkeeper may meet your price (or at least offer a further discount). If not, then you've learned that the shopkeeper's price is firm, and you can return in an hour or a day and buy the item at that price, or you can look for it elsewhere, knowing the market better.

8. Don't feel obligated to buy unless you've agreed on a price. Shopping is a social custom in Turkey. You will be offered tea, coffee or soft drinks, and perhaps cigarettes, snacks, perhaps even a meal. The shopkeeper may wait on you for a considerable time, showing you dozens of items and explaining their qualities. Even so, you are not obligated to buy anything at all! Distrust any shopkeeper who tries to burden you with the feeling that you should buy "because s/he has spent a lot of time with you." Leave the shop and don't go back. You have no obligation whatsoever!

However, if you offer a price and the shopkeeper agrees to it, you've made a verbal contract and you have an obligation to buy the item at the price agreed upon. Don't offer a price unless you're ready to buy the item at that price.

9. Assume that any price agreed upon is for cash.Banks charge anywhere from 2% to 6% to clear a credit card transaction. Unless you have discussed the payment method, any price arrived at is presumed to be payable in cash. The shopkeeper may charge you thecredit card fee, or a fee for changing travelers checks. You should check to see if you can pay in any method other than Turkish lira cash, and what requirements there might be.

10. Take your purchases with you if possible. Many shops will ship your purchase home for you reliably, a few may not. There have been instances in which someone has purchased an expensive carpet but has had a cheap but similar carpet arrive at their home. In a few cases, the purchase is never shipped, or is "lost in shipment." If you must have the shop ship your purchase, find out as much as possible about the shipping process, and try to confirm all aspects of it.

Have a Nice Shopping :)